Safe and loving homes for children in the Foster Care System.

For 40 years, Pinebrook has been providing foster care services with the goal of keeping children safe and helping them return to their biological parents, remain with their extended family, or find a permanent home.  Children are placed in a safe, structured, family setting where the foster parents are nurturing, accepting, and enjoy helping children develop and grow.

Pinebrook also provides an array of other services that support the individual needs of children in foster care. Each child is assigned a caseworker, who visits the foster home regularly to meet with the child and his/her caregiver, provide case management services, and conduct a safety assessment during each in person contact. Pinebrook is firmly committed to engaging biological/legal parents as partners in their children’s ongoing care and development. Weekly facilitative supervision of family visits is offered, and targeted interventions and education/modeling of appropriate parental behavior is provided.

Pinebrook Family Answers is always in need of stable, caring foster families for children and youth who are unable to live with their own families. Foster parenting is a commitment to the health and welfare of children who are at risk for serious abuse and neglect. It is based on the belief that healthy family living is fundamental for all children to grow and succeed.

Find out more at our monthly informational meetings at 402 N. Fulton Street, Allentown, PA. RSVP to .

Resource Parent Information Sessions

April 3 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Resource Parent Information Sessions

May 8 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

By opening their hearts and homes to vulnerable children, foster parents help in myriad ways. They…

  • Teach children how to behave in age-appropriate, socially responsible ways.

  • Help children develop healthy, caring relationships with others.

  • Help children overcome their limitations.

  • Provide a model of self-control.

  • Nurture cultural identity.

  • Understand and nurture the bonds and love that children have for their own families.

  • Offer a temporary, protective haven for hurting kids.

  • Give childhood back to children.

Contact Us for Foster Parent Information

Have more questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section.

Amy’s Story

Amy's Story - Pinebrook Family AnswersNow sixteen, Amy was placed into foster care three years ago for being at risk for sexual abuse. Upon her entering foster care she was introverted and kept to herself. She had low self esteem and felt guilty for coming forward about what was occurring in her biological family. Amy loved her family and was very close to her siblings. She carried the burden of breaking up her family and had a hard time dealing with her feelings, including blaming herself for her siblings being placed in foster care.

When Amy was placed with her foster family it took her some time to feel comfortable and express herself. She continued to feel depressed and spent most of her time in her room writing poetry. With the help of her foster family and treatment team, Amy slowly began to come out of her shell. Her foster family encouraged her to become involved in school and community activities. Amy was able to build friendships and secure a job. Academically, she did phenomenally well, earning honor roll status. She was recognized for her wonderful writing skills and was a semi-finalist in a poetry contest. Amy began to feel proud of herself and her accomplishments.

Amy continues to rebuild her relationship with her siblings and is optimistic about her future. She has a special relationship with her foster parents, with whom she has been living her entire placement. Although at times Amy continues to struggle with her self esteem and doesn’t always feel she fits in, she has come to realize that her foster family loves and cares for her very much and will continue to be supportive of her. Amy’s goal is to become a nurse. She has decided she would like to attend college and major in Nursing. Her foster parents have stated that she has become an integral member of their family and feel she is a joy to have around. They have come to love her sense of humor and continue to embrace her, encouraging Amy on her journey which will include becoming a nurse.